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A before and after study of the impact on obstetric and perinatal outcomes following the introduction of an educational package of fetal heart rate monitoring education coupled with umbilical artery lactate sampling in a low resource setting labor ward in South Africa

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Nov 15, 2019

Allanson ER, et al. - In view of an increase in the rates of cesarean section (CS) and abnormal fetal heart rate tracing and concern about consequent acidosis being the most common indications for primary CS, researchers conducted a before and after study in Pretoria, South Africa from March 3, 2014 - November 12, 2014, to assess how the introduction of a clinical package of fetal heart rate monitoring education and prompt feedback with umbilical artery (UA) cord lactate sampling, using a hand-held meter, affects maternal and perinatal outcomes. They analyzed 936 consecutive samples (pre n = 374 and post n = 562). Outcomes suggest that the cesarean section rate reduced with the introduction of a clinical practice package of fetal heart rate monitoring education combined with routine UA cord lactate sampling; this was observed without any increase in adverse neonatal outcomes in a low-resource setting.
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