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A 5-week randomized clinical evaluation of a novel electric toothbrush head with regular and tapered bristles vs a manual toothbrush for reduction of gingivitis and plaque

International Journal of Dental Hygiene Nov 02, 2018

Ccahuana-Vasquez RA, et al. - Authors assessed the effectiveness of an oscillating-rotating (O-R) electric rechargeable toothbrush with a round brush head and regular and tapered bristles vs a manual toothbrush in reducing plaque and gingivitis. The participants with mild-to-moderate plaque and gingivitis got an oral examination and were assessed for baseline plaque (Rustogi Modified Navy Index), gingivitis (Modified Gingival Index), and gingival bleeding (Gingival Bleeding Index). They randomized 150 participants (mean age 45.7 years) to treatment. Greater plaque and gingivitis reductions were seen with the O-R handle and round brush head with tapered and regular bristles vs the manual brush, though significant differences were seen in in number of bleeding sites, Modified Gingival Index, Gingival Bleeding Index, and Rustogi Modified Navy Index versus baseline with both brushes.

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