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A 1-week intradermal dose-sparing regimen for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (RESIST-2): An observational cohort study

The Lancet Infectious Diseases Dec 09, 2019

Cantaert T, Borand L, Kergoat L, et al. - In view of the international health authorities backing an effort to eradicate canine-mediated rabies in humans by 2030, researchers examined if access to rabies postexposure prophylaxis could be improved by an abridged regimen to reduce doses, direct and indirect costs, and improved vaccine equity by better sharing of available vaccine. They examined rabies virus neutralizing antibody titres before vs after the fourth visit to assess if that session was necessitated or the current regimen could be abridged. They conducted an observational cohort study including 116 people bitten by dogs with laboratory-confirmed rabies and 20 control individuals. All individuals received two intradermal injections of postexposure prophylaxis on days 0, 3, 7, and 28 (Thai Red Cross regimen) with or without equine rabies immunoglobulin, as per 2010 WHO recommendations. On day 28 before the last injection, they identified rabies virus neutralizing antibody titres considered protective (≥ 0·5 IU/mL) and plasmablast activation in all individuals. they observed no significant differences in the titres between days 28 and 42, after titres reached a plateau. Irrespective of equine rabies immunoglobulin use, age, gender, nutrition status as indicated by upper-arm circumference in children or BMI in adults, or dog infection status, these titres were reached. These findings suggest no additional benefit of the fourth vaccine session on day 28 and support abridging of the rabies postexposure prophylaxis to a two-dose, three-session, 1-week regimen to improve postexposure prophylaxis coverage and equity at no risk to patients.
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