90/90 Bicortical, double-loop, interosseous wiring for fixation of transverse and short oblique metacarpal shaft fractures
Current Orthopaedic Practice Mar 04, 2019
Afifi A, et al. - In this prospective study, the effectiveness of 90/90 interosseous wiring for fixation of transverse and short oblique metacarpal shaft fractures on the early motion was determined in 20 patients (16 males and 4 females). Union was achieved in all patients after a mean of 7 wk (range, 6 to 8 wk). The mean total active flexion (TAF) was 246 degrees (range, 150[Combining Ring Above] to 260 degrees). Findings support that for transverse or short oblique fractures of the metacarpal, the interosseous wiring technique is an effective method of fixation that can be used alone and can permit early hand mobilization postoperatively without loss of reduction.
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