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532-nm subthreshold micropulse laser for the treatment of chronic central serous retinopathy

Clinical Ophthalmology Mar 06, 2020

Sousa K, et al. - Researchers investigated the effects and the related complications of subthreshold micropulse laser treatment with a 532 nm (532-SML) wavelength, a treatment option for the treatment of chronic central serous retinopathy (cCSR). In this retrospective cohort study of cCSR patients submitted to 532-SML, 26 eyes were included. They assessed these for best-corrected visual acuity and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) parameters – central macular thickness, subfoveal outer nuclear layer, external limiting membrane, ellipsoid band, interdigitation band, subretinal fluid and choroidal thickness – before and 12 weeks after treatment. The applied laser parameters were a power of 50%, a duty cycle of 5%, exposure time of 200 ms and a spot size of 160 μm. Outcomes suggest the overall ineffectiveness of 532-SML on cCSR as it resulted in no significant changes in the overall median visual acuity and SD-OCT parameters. However, functional and anatomical benefits occurred from the treatment in some patients; visual benefits occurred in 42.3% (n = 11) of the patients and in half of the cases, subretinal fluid was completely reabsorbed. They suggest performing further investigation to understand the potential of 532-SML.
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