30 years of data: Impact of the United States in vitro fertilization data registry on advancing fertility care
Fertility and Sterility Feb 08, 2019
Jain T, et al. - Researchers sought to summarize and assess the impact of key research generated through the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART)-initiated United States IVF registry and annual reporting system. Following the foundation of the Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology in 1985, the first annual US IVF data report was published 30 years ago in 1988 in Fertility and Sterility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention subsequently initiated the collection of data from IVF programs in 1995 and published their first report in 1997. Using these data sources, clinicians and researchers have published 199 articles across the country. During the past 30 years, this research has guided the development of evidence-based assisted reproductive technology (ART) practice guidelines, which have eventually led to upgraded quality and patient care. Thereby suggesting that SART has accomplished its original goals of creating a national IVF registry that successfully evaluates clinical effectiveness, quality of care, and safety.
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