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3-D assessment of gaze-induced eye shape deformations and downgaze-induced vitreous chamber volume increase in highly myopic eyes with staphyloma

British Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 26, 2020

Hoang QV, Chang S, Yu DJG, et al. - Experts aspired to explore whether the stress of normal eye movements results in gaze-induced globe deformations, vitreous chamber axial length, and vitreous chamber axial volume (VCAV) change in highly myopic eyes. The sample consisted of 43 patients (82 eyes) with high myopia (> 27 mm of axial length) with a clinical diagnosis of staphyloma. According to this prospective imaging study, no statistically significant gaze-induced VCAV changes were observed when contrasting primary gaze to nasal, temporal, or upgaze. However, VCAV was increased by +4.79 mm3 when changing from primary to downgaze. Significant gaze-induced globe deformation has been reported in all gazes, but the reversible, rapid rise in VCAV occurred only in downgaze, which is consistent with studies supporting the correlation of environmental factors loke near work with myopia development and progression.

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