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12-month results of cyclosporine A cationic emulsion in a randomized, study in patients with pediatric vernal keratoconjunctivitis

American Journal of Ophthalmology Nov 27, 2019

Bremond-Gignac D, Doan S, Amrane M, et al. - Researchers performed this multicenter, double-masked, randomized control trial 8-month safety analysis, to determine whether cyclosporine A cationic emulsion (CsA CE) 0.1% eye drops affords a safe as well as an effective treatment option in pediatric patients with severe active vernal keratoconjunctivitis. In this 8-month follow-up study, 142 of 169 patients (age range, 4-17 years) originally randomized in the 4-month VEKTIS study were included. During this 8-month follow-up period, CsA CE patients continued to be on their original regimen (CsA CE four times daily [high-dose] or CsA CE twice daily [BID, low-dose] + vehicle BID) and assignment of vehicle patients to one of these 2 active regimens was done. The findings of this 8-month follow-up study revealed stability in the improvements in keratitis, symptoms, and quality of life obtained following CsA CE treatment for 4 months. A favorable safety profile of CsA was maintained.
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