12-month discontinuation rates of levonorgestrel intrauterine system 13.5 mg and subdermal etonogestrel implant in adult women: A retrospective claims database analysis
Contraception Apr 26, 2018
Law A, et al. - The authors sought to investigate the 12-month discontinuation rates of levonorgestrel intrauterine system 13.5 mg (LNG-IUS 13.5) and subdermal etonogestrel (ENG) implant in the US. In this work, discontinuation was defined as presence of an insurance claim for pregnancy-related services, hysterectomy, female sterilization, a claim for another contraceptive method, or removal of the index contraceptive without re-insertion within 30 days. In the real-world US setting, they noted similar discontinuation rates among adult women using LNG-IUS 13.5 and ENG implant after 12 months.
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