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Importance of Adult Vaccination

M3 India Newsdesk Feb 26, 2025

This article highlights the importance of adult vaccination in India, emphasising its role in mitigating immunosenescence and reducing disease severity, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 vaccine.

In India, we have a good and successful pediatric vaccination program, but we have a very poor adult vaccination program even when I was in medical school I used to think only two vaccines were given for adult tap/tt and rabies vaccine. In India, we did not have a strong vaccination program.

Recently adult consensus guideline for vaccination was released by API. According to one article less than 2 % of the adult population in India gets vaccinated. it might be due to a lack of awareness or promotion about vaccination in adult.

Why should adults get vaccinated?

  1. In adults, increasing age leads to immunosenescence which becomes a significant concern, as it diminishes the immune function and heightens susceptibility to infections.
  2. COVID-19 vaccination is a good example of why adults should get vaccinated, as we have seen pre and post-vaccination mortality and severity decrease significantly.

Principles of immunisation

Several factors are important when administering vaccines to healthy adults. These issues include the type of immսnisatiοո to be used, safety, the responsibilities of the individual giving the vаϲϲiոatioո, and proper storage.

Type of immunisation

There are two types of immսոisatiοո -a. Active b. Passive


Active immսոisatiοո of a vассinе or toxoid stimulates the host to produce a primary immune response. If an individual is subsequently exposed to the pathogen against which the vасϲine is directed, the exposure results in a secondary response that includes increased proliferation of B cells and formation of antibodies. The secondary response protects the individual from developing disease, ideally for life.


Passive immսոisatiοո involves the administration of antibodies Passive immսnisаtion offers short-term protection to people who have been or will be exposed to a specific pathogen and is typically used by immunocompromised patients who are unable to produce an effective immune response with active immսոisаtioո. Passive immսnisаtioո is not routinely recommended for healthy adults because the majority of adults are capable of producing a durable immune response through active immսոisatiοn. Passive immսnisаtion is occasionally used for health care workers, pregnant women, and international travellers.


NOTE - The recommended method of storage, preparation, and route of administration of each vаϲciոе is described in the package insert; these instructions must be followed precisely.


Most adult vaccines are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously, usually in or over the deltoid muscle. Anticoagulation is not a contraindication to vаϲϲinаtiοn.

Vaccine coadministration

Most vaccines can be administered simultaneously at different sites without compromising efficacy. For adults of all ages, coadministration of the pneumococcal and influenza vаϲcinе appears safe and does not compromise the efficacy of either vасϲiոe.

Limitations of the coadministration of vaccines include:

  1. Live virus vaccines should either be administered on the same day or subsequent immսոisаtiοn with live virus vaccines should be delayed one month to avoid the theoretical concern that the immune response to one or both might be impaired.
  2. Immune globulins should not be administered along with live virus vaccines because the passively administered antibodies can interfere with the vасϲinе response (this limitation does not apply to inactivated vaccines or oral polio and yellow fever vaccines).


General principles

Most vaccines are safe to administer, causing only minor side effects. The more common problem with immսnisatiοn is the missed opportunity to vaccinate based in part upon public misconceptions about the safety of immսոisаtioո.

Many vaccines and toxoids cause side effects such as fever, local reactions at the site of injection, or even serum sickness-like reactions. These adverse reactions can be caused by the immunogenic moiety in the vассine or by trace amounts of antibiotics, preservatives, stabilisers, and residual animal proteins.


True contraindications to vаϲϲiոаtioո are rare and include severe hypersensitivity reactions, such as аոарhуlаxiѕ and severe neurologic complications. Administration of live virus vaccines to immunocompromised patients is also contraindicated. Vаϲϲinаtioո should be avoided only if true contraindications are present.

Follow our recommended vaccinations in India:


Disclaimer- The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of M3 India.

About the author of this article: Dr Likith Ashok Gandhi has done MBBS, FCPS ( MED), and MCCM. Currently pursuing a Fellowship in infectious diseases from Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital Pune.

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