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Coronavirus evolution: Subtypes, transmission ability & disease severity

M3 India Newsdesk Mar 25, 2020

The National Science Review recently conducted and published a study that provides an analysis of the largest genome of the novel coronavirus. The study gives an insight into its two subtypes, their transmission abilities, and the ability to cause diseases of different severities.

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In the article titled ‘On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2’ by Xiaolu Tang, Changcheng Wu, Xiang Li, et. al., published in The National Science Review analysing the largest genome of the neocoronavirus, researchers revealed that the virus has evolved into two subtypes, L and S and the two subtypes are significantly different in terms of their geographical distribution and the proportion of the population they have affected. [1] It is also speculated that the pathogenic differences between the two could also mean their transmission ability and the severity of diseases they can cause, would vastly vary.

For this study researchers sourced 103 coronavirus genome data from the available public database, however, they highly recommend using a larger sample size to confirm the speculations made in the study. If this hypothesis is confirmed, it can help understand different aspects of the new virus and treat resulting pneumonia with a higher success rate. It should also be noted that in the absence of patient data and more genome data, researchers could not combine the genome data with their case analysis for a more in-depth study.

Key points from the study

The analysis below is based on the study of 103 coronavirus genome data sourced from the public database that was available to the researchers. Their analysis showed:

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