Dr. Subhash Wangnoo
is a Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at ACODE of Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, Delhi
Dr. S K Wangnoo is a Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at the Apollo Centre for Obesity, Diabetes & Endocrinology (ACODE) of Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals in Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. He is also Honorary Physician Endocrinologist to the President of India.
Held on 26th July, 2022
In this video, Dr. Subhash Wangnoo discuss... more»In this video, Dr. Subhash Wangnoo discusses the link between thyroid and reproductive health. He addresses questions on how thyroid hormones, directly and indirectly, affect the hypothalamic-pituitary access leading to the disturbance in the gonadal hormones and their feedback mechanism. «less
By Subhash Wangnoo | Jun 28, 2021
The assessment for overactive thyroid glan... more»The assessment for overactive thyroid gland is directed towards identifying whether the patient is having thyroiditis This is assessed by doing appropriate laboratory radiographic assessment which is prompted by features suggestive of overactive thyroid gland. «less
Feb 15, 2021
Dr. SK Wangnoo as part of a new exclusive ... more»Dr. SK Wangnoo as part of a new exclusive endocrinology series on hyperthyroidism throw spotlight on presentation of the thyroid hyperfunction among different age groups, risk factors involved, and possible complications primary care physicians should be aware of. «less
Feb 01, 2021