URMC researchers developing new tool to fight antibiotic resistance
University of Rochester Medical Center Aug 02, 2017
Goal is to distinguish between viral and bacterial infections, reduce unnecessary use of antibiotics.
Scientists from the UniversityÂs National Institutes of Health–funded Respiratory Pathogens Research Center identified 11 genetic markers in blood that accurately distinguished between viral and bacterial infections.
The finding, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is important because physicians donÂt have a good way to confirm bacterial infections like pneumonia and more–often–than–not default to an antibiotic.
ÂItÂs extremely difficult to interpret whatÂs causing a respiratory tract infection, especially in very ill patients who come to the hospital with a high fever, cough, shortness of breath and other concerning symptoms, said Ann R. Falsey, MD, lead study author, professor and interim chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at UR MedicineÂs Strong Memorial Hospital. ÂMy goal is to develop a tool that physicians can use to rule out a bacterial infection with enough certainty that they are comfortable, and their patients are comfortable, foregoing an antibiotic.Â
FalseyÂs project caught the attention of the federal government; sheÂs one of 10 semifinalists in the Antimicrobial Resistance Diagnostic Challenge, a competition sponsored by NIH and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to help combat the development and spread of drug resistant bacteria. Selected from among 74 submissions, Falsey received $50,000 to continue her research and develop a prototype diagnostic test, such as a blood test, using the genetic markers her team identified.
A group of 94 adults hospitalized with lower respiratory tract infections were recruited to participate in FalseyÂs study. The team gathered clinical data, took blood from each patient, and conducted a battery of microbiologic tests to determine which individuals had a bacterial infection (41 patients) and which had a non–bacterial or viral infection (53 patients). Thomas J. Mariani, PhD, professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Genetics at URMC, used complex genetic and statistical analysis to pinpoint markers in the blood that correctly classified the patients with bacterial infections 80 to 90 percent of the time.
ÂOur genes react differently to a virus than they do to bacteria, said Mariani, a member of the Respiratory Pathogens Research Center (RPRC). ÂRather than trying to detect the specific organism thatÂs making an individual sick, weÂre using genetic data to help us determine whatÂs affecting the patient and when an antibiotic is appropriate or not.Â
Falsey, co–director of the RPRC, and Mariani say that the main limitation of their study is the small sample size and that the genetic classifiers selected from the study population may not prove to be universal to all patients.
A patent application has been filed for their method of diagnosing bacterial infection.
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Scientists from the UniversityÂs National Institutes of Health–funded Respiratory Pathogens Research Center identified 11 genetic markers in blood that accurately distinguished between viral and bacterial infections.
The finding, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is important because physicians donÂt have a good way to confirm bacterial infections like pneumonia and more–often–than–not default to an antibiotic.
ÂItÂs extremely difficult to interpret whatÂs causing a respiratory tract infection, especially in very ill patients who come to the hospital with a high fever, cough, shortness of breath and other concerning symptoms, said Ann R. Falsey, MD, lead study author, professor and interim chief of the Infectious Diseases Division at UR MedicineÂs Strong Memorial Hospital. ÂMy goal is to develop a tool that physicians can use to rule out a bacterial infection with enough certainty that they are comfortable, and their patients are comfortable, foregoing an antibiotic.Â
FalseyÂs project caught the attention of the federal government; sheÂs one of 10 semifinalists in the Antimicrobial Resistance Diagnostic Challenge, a competition sponsored by NIH and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to help combat the development and spread of drug resistant bacteria. Selected from among 74 submissions, Falsey received $50,000 to continue her research and develop a prototype diagnostic test, such as a blood test, using the genetic markers her team identified.
A group of 94 adults hospitalized with lower respiratory tract infections were recruited to participate in FalseyÂs study. The team gathered clinical data, took blood from each patient, and conducted a battery of microbiologic tests to determine which individuals had a bacterial infection (41 patients) and which had a non–bacterial or viral infection (53 patients). Thomas J. Mariani, PhD, professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Genetics at URMC, used complex genetic and statistical analysis to pinpoint markers in the blood that correctly classified the patients with bacterial infections 80 to 90 percent of the time.
ÂOur genes react differently to a virus than they do to bacteria, said Mariani, a member of the Respiratory Pathogens Research Center (RPRC). ÂRather than trying to detect the specific organism thatÂs making an individual sick, weÂre using genetic data to help us determine whatÂs affecting the patient and when an antibiotic is appropriate or not.Â
Falsey, co–director of the RPRC, and Mariani say that the main limitation of their study is the small sample size and that the genetic classifiers selected from the study population may not prove to be universal to all patients.
A patent application has been filed for their method of diagnosing bacterial infection.
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