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Skin flooding: Hydration hype or winter skin savior?

Newswise Feb 25, 2025

As winter’s dry air sets in, social media is awash with the latest skincare trend: skin flooding. This technique involves layering hydrating products on damp skin to combat dryness and achieve a dewy glow. But is this viral trend truly beneficial, or just another fleeting fad?

Dermatologist Dr. Alexis Young, with Hackensack University Medical Center, can explore the skin flooding phenomenon, separating fact from fiction including the following insights on potential benefits and possible downsides:

Potential Benefits:

Possible Downsides:

Dr Young says there are alternatives to skin flooding that include effective strategies for winter skin hydration, such as using humidifiers, incorporating hydrating masks, and adjusting showering habits.

For more information or an interview, contact [email protected].

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