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Do children spread COVID-19? Paediatricians break down what we know so far

ScienceAlert Aug 05, 2020

We are asked almost daily about children and COVID-19: Do they get COVID-19? Should they attend day care or school, play sports, see friends and attend summer camps? What are the risks to themselves and to others?

For our comprehensive coverage and latest updates on COVID-19 click here.

We are three pediatric infectious disease specialists who live and work in West Virginia. The West Virginia University health system serves 400,000 children and according to our internal data, to date, 2,520 children up to 17 years of age have been tested for the coronavirus. Sixty-seven of them tested positive and one became sick enough to be admitted to the hospital.

Based on current research and our own experiences, it would seem that kids 17 years old and younger face little risk from the coronavirus.

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