Kaiser Permanente researchers develop new models for predicting suicide risk
Kaiser Permanente Health Research News | May 26, 2018
Depression speeds up brain aging
University of Sussex News | May 26, 2018
Adolescents with hay fever have higher rates of anxiety and depression, lower resistance to stress
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology News | May 26, 2018
Early-life obesity impacts children's learning and memory, study suggests
Brown University News | May 26, 2018
NIMH grant will fund research on oxytocin neurons and social behavior
Pennsylvania State University Health and Medicine News | May 26, 2018
New advances in understanding and treating intellectual disorder
Tohoku University Research News | May 25, 2018
AAP President urges Congress to act on firearms after latest deaths at Santa Fe HS in Texas
American Academy of Pediatrics News | May 24, 2018
Study looks at boys and girls with autism who falsely screen negative at an early age
American Academy of Pediatrics News | May 23, 2018
Age-related racial disparity in suicide rates among US youth
NIH News | May 23, 2018
Cell types underlying schizophrenia identified
Karolinska Institutet | May 23, 2018