Childhood sleep apnoea is common but hard to diagnose
Karolinska Institutet | May 17, 2017
Damaged genes considered high risk for developing Tourette syndrome identified
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences News | May 17, 2017
Looking to cut back on salt? Study says don't start with the shaker
Reuters Health News | May 16, 2017
Term "disorders of sex development" may have negative impact
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago News | May 16, 2017
REFILE-In Europe, US, modern AIDS drugs add extra 10 years of life expectancy
Reuters Health News | May 15, 2017
Off-label prescription of proton pump inhibitors to New Zealand infants is common
University of Otago News | May 15, 2017
Breast-feeding plays important role in 'seeding' infant microbiome with beneficial bacteria
University of California - Los Angeles Health News | May 15, 2017
Billions saved because FDA didn't rush approval of Alzheimer's drug
Reuters Health News | May 13, 2017
Heart disease risks experienced in childhood impact cognition later in life
American College of Cardiology News | May 13, 2017
Buprenorphine cuts length of stay nearly in half for infants withdrawing from opioids
Thomas Jefferson University News | May 13, 2017