Long work hours associated with increased risk of stroke
MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events | Jun 22, 2019
Statin therapy reduced the risk of stroke and possibly other cardiovascular complications in cancer patients following radiation
American Heart Association | Jun 21, 2019
Vitamin D and estradiol help guard against heart disease, stroke, and diabetes
ScienceDaily | Jun 16, 2019
Kids with headache after stroke might be at risk for another stroke
Newswise | Jun 16, 2019
Higher risk of stroke can follow midlife type 2 diabetes
Healthline/Medical News Today | Jun 16, 2019
Large international study finds diabetes drug cuts cardiovascular and kidney problems: Lancet
Newswise | Jun 12, 2019
Which brain hemorrhage patients have treatable underlying conditions
Newswise | Jun 05, 2019
Could repeated squeezes to the arms, legs protect the brain?
MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events | Jun 02, 2019
Targeting inflammation to better understand dangerous blood clots
Newswise | May 31, 2019
Silent heart attack may increase stroke risk
MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events | May 28, 2019