Vaccine alliance says 300,000 doses of Merck's Ebola shot available for emergencies
Reuters Health News | May 17, 2017
New Lyme disease forecast map targets rising tide of ticks
University of Georgia Research News | May 17, 2017
Breast-feeding plays important role in 'seeding' infant microbiome with beneficial bacteria
University of California - Los Angeles Health News | May 17, 2017
Scientists engineer baker's yeast to produce penicillin molecules
Imperial College London Health News | May 17, 2017
Looking to cut back on salt? Study says don't start with the shaker
Reuters Health News | May 16, 2017
Study targets virus linked to birth defects
University of Edinburgh College of Medicine News | May 16, 2017
Study shows association between gut microbes and brain structure in people with irritable bowel syndrome
University of California - Los Angeles Health News | May 16, 2017
Report details how to reduce impact of climate change on human health
Stanford School of Medicine News | May 16, 2017
A possible way to new antibiotics
University of Bern News | May 16, 2017
Enterococci may have evolved antimicrobial resistance millions of years ago
NIH News | May 16, 2017