Study suggests link between imbalanced gut microbiome and systemic sclerosis
UCLA Health System News | May 19, 2017
The composition of gut microbiota can predict the efficacy and tolerance of immunotherapy in people with cancer
Inserm (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) | May 19, 2017
Chronic fatigue syndrome linked to imbalanced microbiome
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health News | May 18, 2017
Ceaseless Middle East wars forcing change in approach to medical care
Reuters Health News | May 18, 2017
US hepatitis C cases soar on spike in heroin use
Reuters Health News | May 17, 2017
Vaccine alliance says 300,000 doses of Merck's Ebola shot available for emergencies
Reuters Health News | May 17, 2017
Looking to cut back on salt? Study says don't start with the shaker
Reuters Health News | May 16, 2017
Study shows association between gut microbes and brain structure in people with irritable bowel syndrome
University of California - Los Angeles Health News | May 16, 2017
Enterococci may have evolved antimicrobial resistance millions of years ago
NIH News | May 16, 2017
Protection for the gut barrier - stem cell transplants: activating signal paths may protect from graft-versus-host disease
Technische Universität München News | May 16, 2017