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A new treatment is efficient in patients with HIV with cardiovascular disease risk

Universitat de Barcelona Research News Sep 15, 2017

A new study coordinated by Professor Josep Maria Gatell, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, shows that switching antiretroviral treatment to the drug dolutegravir maintains the viral suppression and improves cholesterol concentration and other blood lipids, which is one of the main factors of the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Josep M. Gatell, professor from the Department of Medicine and senior consultant in the Area of Infectious Diseases of Clínic-IDIBAPS, showed the results of the NEAT 022 study at the International AIDS Society meeting (9th IAS 2017).

Cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of morbidity and mortality around the world. In patients with VHI, these are even more frequent and can be seen in younger patients. Certain antiretroviral drugs are associated with adverse changes in blood lipids, one of the main factors contributing to cardiovascular disease risk. “Only the infection from the virus, despite controlling its spreading with antiretrovirals, is a higher risk of getting cardiovascular diseases, which is why it is very important that people with VHI, and even more those with a high cardiovascular risk due other reasons, have options to receive treatment and which apart from being effective are able to reduce the risk” said Gatell.
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