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Delhi hospital successfully removes 11.5 kg adrenal tumour

IANS Feb 22, 2017

Doctors here successfully removed a giant 11.5 kg adrenal tumour in a 55-year-old man, who had a body mass index (BMI) of 48 -- considered extremely obese -- and went for a weight-loss surgery.

Ashwini Marwah, who was suffering from Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, was gaining weight for the last few years, prompting him to consider bariatric surgery -- a type of weight-loss surgery. During evaluation and investigations by doctors at Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj (FHVK), he was found to have a large abdominal tumour of size 30X25 cms completely occupying the right side of the abdomen and also crossing over to the left side -- adjacent to vital organs particularly kidney, inferior venacava and intestines. Marwah was unaware of the tumour, which except for causing an increase in his weight, dragging sensation and heaviness on the right side of the abdomen, was largely asymptomatic.

Marwah, with body mass index (BMI) of 48, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and early changes of nephropathy, was a high risk candidate for surgery. We had to make a large incision on his abdomen in view of the giant size of the tumour," Randeep Wadhawan, Director (Minimal access surgery, Bariatric & GI Surgery) at Fortis Hospital, said in a statement on Tuesday. 

"The tumour on removal weighed 11.5 kg, making it the largest adrenal myelolipoma ever to be excised. It was also highly vascular and attached to right kidney, inferior venacava and intestines," Wadhawan added. Adrenal myelolipoma is a very rare benign tumour, which contains mature adipose tissue and variable amounts of haematopoietic elements, presents with life threatening and recurrent retroperitoneal hemorrhage leading to complications such as abscess and rupture. Post-surgery, Marwah has lost more than 30 kg of weight and his diabetes is also under control, the doctors said.

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