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CMFRI develops anti-obesity medicine from marine organism

IANS Feb 20, 2017

Kochi-headquartered Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has developed an anti-obesity nutraceutical from seaweeds, the institute said on Wednesday.

Kerala Governor Justice P Sathasivam will release the product during the CMFRI Platinum Jubilee celebrations inaugural function on Saturday, it said in a statement.

CMFRI scientists prepared the product named CadalminTM Antihypercholesterolemic extract (CadalminTM ACe) from seaweeds which are commonly available in the Indian coastal waters and are known for their extraordinary medicinal properties.

Kajal Chakraborty, Senior Scientist in Marine Biotechnology Division of CMFRI, who developed the product, said CadalminTM Antihypercholesterolemic extract can be administered to regulate clinical indicators leading to dyslipidemia or obesity, total adipose tissue and visceral fat, triglycerides besides cholesterol.

"The product contains 100 per cent natural marine bioactive ingredients from selected seaweeds by a patented technology, and would be made available in 400 mg capsules," he said.

The nutraceutical does not have any side effects as established by detailed preclinical trials.

"CadalminTM Antihypercholesterolemic extract is the only product made from 100 per cent natural marine bioactive ingredients from seaweeds as a natural remedy of obesity," said Chakraborty.

P. Vijayagopal, Head, Marine Biotechnology Division, said the active ingredients in the product would be packed in plant based capsules to meet the dietary needs of the large vegetarian population in India and abroad.

CadalminTM Antihypercholesterolemic extract is the fourth in the series of the nutraceutical products developed by the CMFRI.

Two anti-arthritic and one anti-diabetic nutraceutical products are the other three products developed by the institute in the past. All these technologies have been commercialised through pharmaceutical companies.

According to CMFRI Director A. Gopalakrishnan, the institute is in the process of developing more health products from the underutilised seaweeds.

"CMFRI is also in the process of standardising and promoting seaweed farming all along the Indian coasts as a livelihood option for the coastal communities. This is expected to compensate for the dip in income for the fishermen during lean seasons," said Gopalakrishnan.

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