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Role of age on success of arthroscopic primary repair of proximal anterior cruciate ligament tears

Arthroscopy Nov 23, 2020

Vermeijden HD, Yang XA, van der List JP, et al. - In this study, failure rates and patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) following arthroscopic primary anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repair of proximal tears were evaluated in different age groups. Researchers retrospectively examined the first 113 consecutive patients treated with a repair at a minimum of 2-years between 2008 and 2017. Individuals were classified into three age groups: ≤ 21, 22–35, and > 35 years. The results of this study demonstrate that the failure rate of primary repair of proximal ACL tears is high in patients aged 21 or younger (37.0%), and this should be taken into account when discussing repair in this patient group. The results exhibited that repair may be an excellent treatment with low failure (3.5%) and complication rates (1.2%) and good subjective scores in patients older than 21.

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