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Opioid consumption after knee arthroscopy

Arthroscopy Nov 24, 2020

Kamdar PM, Liddy N, Antonacci C, et al. - This study was attempted to evaluate opioid consumption in patients undergoing knee arthroscopy and to create an evidence-based guideline for opioid prescription. Researchers conducted a prospective multicenter observational study including patients undergoing outpatient knee arthroscopy for meniscal repair, meniscectomy, or chondroplasty. The study enrolled a sum of 100 patients. Individuals were prescribed a median of 5 pills (37.5 oral morphine equivalents). The data observed that current opioid prescribing habits exceed the requirement for postoperative pain management. By the second postoperative day, all patients consumed five or fewer opioid pills and 92% of patients discontinued opioids. Individuals reported high satisfaction rates, low NPRS pain scores, and required no refills in spite of the low prescription quantity. Thus, they recommend that individuals undergoing knee arthroscopy are prescribed no more than 5 oxycodone 5 mg pills.

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