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Effect of mouth rinse treatments on bleached enamel properties, surface morphology, and tooth color

Operative Dentistry Jul 04, 2018

Vieira-Junior WF, et al. - Authors assessed the impact of mouth rinse exposure on bleached enamel. Findings suggested no impact of the mouth rinses on the whitening efficacy. These rinses did not promote benefits on bleached enamel properties. Also, the bleached enamel properties were affected by 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (HP)- or essential oil–based mouth rinses, thereby, promoting an alteration in morphologic surface and mineral loss in depth. They noted a reduction in the cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH) values by essential oil (EM) and 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (HPM). These values differed from C [(control); distilled water] and promoted alterations on the enamel surface visualized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
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