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Dental caries and their association with socioeconomic characteristics, oral hygiene practices and eating habits among preschool children in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates — The NOPLAS project

BMC Oral Health Jun 15, 2018

Elamin A, et al. - A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate dental caries and their connections with socioeconomic factors, oral hygiene practices and eating habits among Emirati and non-Emirati children in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Study participants were nursery children between 18 months and 4 years of age residing in the capital district of Abu Dhabi. To analyze the dental status of the children, the World Health Organization (WHO) decayed, missing and filled teeth index (dmft) was used. It was found that 4 out of 10 nursery children had dental caries. Researchers reported that sociodemographic factors, dietary and oral health habits were linked with dental caries. In addition, effective oral health interventions tailored to improve eating habits and the dental screening of children in this age group were imperative to mitigate these concerns.
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