Bone and soft tissue outcomes, risk factors, and complications of implant-supported prostheses: 5-Years RCT with different abutment types and loading protocols
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Jul 03, 2018
Göthberg C, et al. - Authors gauged the role of various fixation modes and analyzed complications and risks that affect long-term use of implant-supported partial fixed dental prostheses. Findings suggested an influence of the connection type on dental prostheses (MBL). Instead of connecting the superstructure directly at the implant level, a machined abutment was beneficial. MBL was influenced by periodontal disease experience, deteriorating health, light smoking, buccal soft tissue thickness, and ISQ. The need for long-term maintenance care was underscored by the results on peri-implantitis. For strategies to minimize MBL, additional target is constituted by the abutment material surface properties.
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